The brand Story


This brand draws inspiration from two distinctive dimensions: unique animal, fox and outstanding martial arts legend. 


Foxes have very special characteristics when compared with other animals. They have exceptional sharp senses. Using their keen hearing and an excellent sense of smell they can hear a mouse squeak over 100 feet away. They also process distinctive hunting techniques such as freeze, listen, leap, and pin down.

Like a guided missile, the fox harnesses the earth’s magnetic field to hunt. The fox can see the earth’s magnetic field as a “ring of shadow” on its eyes that darkens as it heads towards magnetic north. When the shadow and the sound the prey is making line up, it’s time to pounce.

Salient features of fox personality are:

Creative/Innovative/ inventive

Passionate /Explorative




Challenging/ Competitive 


Personality traits

Foxes are typically successful in the workplace, but their competitiveness and ambition sometimes make coworkers feel belittled. They would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to their feelings. So they thrive in their own businesses and like to surround themselves with family and friends in these ventures. Although they demand consensus in all decisions, they dominate discussions and steer the plans to reflect their own agenda. Competent in a wide range of fields, foxes are particularly well suited for a career as computer programmers, lawyers, doctors or professional chess players.

Martial Art legend

Bruce Lee was a man of many heroic qualities. He always stood up for what he believed in, did what he thought was right, was a man who set positive examples, and changed the world for us all.

Bruce Lee always stood up for what he believed in and never gave in to what others said about him. He believed that he could discipline himself with Kung Fu. Throughout his training, he never got lazy and never missed a day to train, and his reward was becoming one of the greatest martial artists of all time.

Bruce Lee set many great examples for us all. He showed us that Kung Fu is best used as a way of disciplining oneself for example, when he was little, he got into a lot of fights with many street gangs. But instead of just learning Kung Fu to fight back (like most people would do), he learned as a way of directing himself away from fighting. This is a great example because this shows how using non-violent solutions is the right way.

In the later stages of his life, he developed his own style of Kung Fu called Jeet Kune Do. His hard work and determination in creating Jeet Kung Do also led to his creation of a school for martial arts training. He made one outside of the University of Washington and one in Oakland and another in Los Angeles, California.

Another effect he had on the world was through his acting career. Bruce wasn’t really famous for the quality of his acting, but for being one of the few Asian people to act. He fused Kung Fu with acting and later on created great films such as “Enter the Dragon” and “Return of the Dragon.” When he made these films, he didn’t realize that in the process he would inspire many people around the world to be actors and a martial artists.

We chose Bruce Lee because, throughout his life, he showed great discipline in his passion for Kung Fu. He also showed that it takes a determined person to become someone great. We all need to realize how much we want to be confident, determined, and successful, just as he was. 

He influenced me to try harder to become what I want in life and to go for what I think is right. 

Followings are the salient features of the martial arts legend 







Adaptable /Agile

The FoxLee Brand

The brand “FOXLEE” is of immense power and inspiration for anyone who wants to achieve the dream cherished. So this makes it the perfect logo for an apparel and accessories brand for sportspersons and also for anyone who want to lead an active life.