Breathable Materials: 6 Light fabrics that will keep you cool on hot days

Since we cannot be in ourselves up in air-conditioned rooms and with iced soft drinks forever, we just need to find a better way to beat the heat in terms of the type of fabric we use in. Selecting the right clothing material plays a huge role in elevating our comfort, in our tropical climate.Analysts have studied the world fabrics and identified 6 of the best kind of materials to wear in hot and humid weather in tropical countries like Sri Lanka. With these fabrics on, people can walk down the sunlit streets feeling as cool as a cucumber.

Since we cannot be in ourselves up in air-conditioned rooms and with iced soft drinks forever, we just need to find a better way to beat the heat in terms of the type of fabric we use in. Selecting the right clothing material plays a huge role in elevating our comfort, in our tropical climate.Analysts have studied the world fabrics and identified 6 of the best kind of materials to wear in hot and humid weather in tropical countries like Sri Lanka. With these fabrics on, people can walk down the sunlit streets feeling as cool as a cucumber.


Cotton is a widely used and worn material, and with its name for top-notch comfort, it really comes as no surprise. Allowing air to unleash its carefree nature and circulate in and out of the fabric, cotton works like an impeccable ventilator for your body. Further, it absorbs all your sweat like a sponge, leaving you as dry as a raisin.


A sister fabric of cotton, except its threads are woven together in a different manner, Chambray will relieve you from the unbearable heat as well. Chambray is a lighter form of denim and thus allowing you to achieve the same look without the dense thickness of the material itself.


A natural fibre made from the stalk of a flax plant, linen was manufactured to combat hot and sweaty days. It is ideal for sweltering weather and abhorrent humidity. Linen will save your day. Its light and flowy weave will lavish you with maximum breathability and comfort. With its excellent coolness and freshness, you’ll be feeling like cool and relaxed.

Merino wool

Years of crafting and adjusting to suit the needs of those who live in hot humid weather,this fabric has gone into the making of this ingenious fabric. As a result, this has evolved into a candy-floss-thin fibers that are ideal for immense sweat absorption, granting you with impeccable breathability and ventilation.


Rayan is a fabric made of silk, wool, cotton and linen. This man-made fibre created from cellulose in trees can be manipulated to imitate the texture and feel of any one of the four materials. But, it is but a mere imitation which gives way to minor incongruities. For instance, rayon is a slightly thinner thread than cotton, making it more lightweight and flowy. However, it loses out in the humidity department as it doesn’t wick moisture away as well as cotton.

Summer blends

As the name suggests, summer blends involve a mix of different fabrics such as cotton, polyester and nylon. But, you can bet this mix wasn’t randomly thrown together and concocted. Summer fabric blends are carefully curated to target moisture absorption, making them warriors in the fight against the humid weather. Not only that, they keep their shape extremely well, so you can gladly hold off your clothing irons.